I started partner dancing in London in 2014 and haven't stopped since. My true dance love is Balboa, and I also enjoy Lindy Hop, Shag, Laminu, and Argentine Tango, as well as solo Tap.
I founded The Bal Club with my dance partner Fran in 2019 to create new Balboa classes and Workshops in Edinburgh.​ You can check out more about the bal club below or on instagram
I also co-founded the Edinburgh Balboa and Shag Festival in 2019.

Summer Soiree Social
Summer Party at the Voodoo Rooms
Dance with the Bal Club
There are no Bal Club events planned right now but keep an eye on this space for an exciting new project coming in 2025. In the meantime you can always book a private lesson or come learn with me at the ESDS Lindy classes.
Got a quick question about what shoes to wear or how partner dancing works? Check out the Frequently asked questions
Slow Balboa
The Bal Club Deal
We want to invite you into the wonderful world of Balboa Dancing. We hope that just like the original dancers who created Balboa, you will find your own personal style within this dance and enjoy sharing that with our community. Our aim is to teach you the vocabulary you’ll need to express yourself to swing music with Balboa, and we will focus on techniques and body mechanics that make this dance safe and enjoyable for both leaders and followers.
In return, we ask that you respect your fellow dancers:
Our classes will always be of mixed ability, because in reality all classes are: Everyone is at a different stage in their development and we all have different strengths. We hope we can honour the history of this social dance by embracing the range of experience levels in our group and being a community that finds joy in supporting new dancers. As teachers we will structure our classes so there is something for everyone to work on, and we will give you personal feedback based on what we think will challenge you.
Eyes on your own paper!
In our classes, we ask that you focus on improving your own dancing, and leave the teaching and notes to us. There will be lots of times when we will open up the floor for everyone to discuss their experience and ideas, and we encourage you to check in with your partner to see how things feel. However, unsolicited feedback is not welcome in our classes, even though we know it can be very tempting if you think you are more experienced than your partner. We believe that the best way you can help your partner learn is to do your role to the best of your ability so they get the physical experience they need to learn this improvised dance. If you’re struggling to achieve something with your partner, we’ll be very happy to come over and try it with both of you (as a sort of controlled experiment) to help. A very important caveat is that if your partner is doing something that hurts you or you think is likely to hurt you, then please tell them and/or us immediately and we’ll try to make sure that does not happen.
It’s okay to take breaks during classes, and we would be very grateful if you could tell us if you have any injuries or issues with particular movements, whether those things are just for one week, or a long term issue. That will help us, as your teachers, and your partners know how to make the dance comfortable for you.
Everybody can dance Balboa in either role
It is really important to us that in our classes and on the social dance floor, everyone feels valued by the group and supported in learning the role they want to learn. If you have objections to dancing in close hold with people of certain identities then this is not the community for you.
Looking after yourself
It’s always okay to say no to a dance, and you never need to give a reason. If someone is making you uncomfortable for whatever reason, please let us know and we will deal with it. You can talk to us in person or contact us through the website. If we notice a problem with your behaviour, we will come to you and try to find a solution together.
Diversity Scholarships
Our Balboa ancestors in California came from all over the world, and we dance to swing music that would not exist without countless Black American Jazz pioneers. Having a diverse dance community is incredibly important and I am committed to doing what I can to make Balboa accessible to everyone. If the cost of our events is a barrier to you attending then please let me know and I will provide you with a free or PWYC place at any of our workshops or socials.
Simply email franandchristine@gmail.com with your name and details of the event you would like to attend, and I will get back to you asap.
Similarly, if you have any feedback (positive or negative) about the Bal Club's events, I value your perspective and would love to hear from you.
If you've never done partner dancing before the whole thing can seem a bit intimidating. The truth is it's really fun, and we want everyone to feel welcome to come givie it a try. If there's anything you're concerned about that's not covered here, please feel free to contact us.
Do I need to bring a partner?
You don't need to bring a partner, we rotate partners regularly in class and a lot of people do not sign up with a partner. Once you get into dancing and training regularly, we recommend finding a person or small group to practice with, but there is no requirement to bring a partner to classes.
Can I bring a partner?
Yes! We have an option to checkout as a couple on our store, and you're welcome to come together. If you aren't comfortable rotating partners during class (for covid reasons, or anything else), it's okay to stay together and not join in the rotation.
However, Balboa is a social dance and we do recommend rotating even if you come with a partner, it helps you learn faster and make sure you're truly leading and following.
What shoes should I wear?
Ideally you want a pair of comfy shoes that can slide past each other easily (no patent leather or big studs/buckles on the inner sides) and can slide on the floor without getting stuck (avoid soft rubber soles with lots of grip).
Smooth soles made of leather or hard plastic eg dress shoes, keds, or Toms are usually very good.
Some followers prefer to dance Balboa in heels as it can help with maintaining good dance posture, but it’s not a requirement.
If you have proper ‘dance shoes’ that’s great, but there’s no need to buy anything new when you’re getting started. Avoid anything open toe like tango sandals, and make sure your shoes stay firmly on your feet (eg. ballet flats are more likely to slip off than something with an ankle strap or high cut upper)
What clothes should I wear
Wear something that lets you lift your arms over your head easily. Also it’s nice for your partner if they can hold onto clothing rather than bare skin, so go for something that covers your back(followers) and upper arms (leaders).
​We’ll try to keep the room cool, but dancing can be a sweaty business. Feel free to bring a few layers and add/subtract during class.
​There’s no need to be fancy or retro for classes, but you do you, whatever that is! On a practical note for the vintage inclined: Balboa requires some high speed turns and being very close to your partner so we’d recommend keeping skirt volume and petticoats to a minimum.
Where can I go to dance Balboa socially?
Social Dancing is still a bit scattered and unreliable because of the pandemic but there are a few wonderful social dances in Edinburgh.
Should men lead and women follow?
No, everyone is encouraged to do the role they feel most comfortable in and most dancers learn both eventually. There is a historical hangover on this topic so statistically more male dancers lead and more female dancers follow, but we're moving toward a worldwide dance scene where this isn't necessarily the case.
It can be helpful to stick to one role when you're getting started, but there's no one right way to learn a dance. Leading and following are very different skills and neither one is easier than the other. If you can't bear the idea of someone else deciding when and how far you step, you should probably start by leading. If the thought of remembering moves and planning while you dance is horrifying to you, then you'll probably enjoy following more.
What is a 'Switch'?
A switch dancer is someone who can happily lead or follow- an ambidancerous person if you will!
A switch dance is when you and your partner agree to change roles during the course of a single song, so you're sometimes leading and sometimes following with the same partner.
Do you offer a discount for students/unwaged dancers?
Yes! Use the code Student10 or Unwaged10 to get 10% off everything on our site (except private lessons) if you are a student or unwaged.